Meet the Kollel

Our Mission

The Kollel strives to elevate both its yungerleit and the South Bend community by cultivating a center for immersive, high-level Torah study. Through this initiative, the Kollel reinforces and enhances the existing Torah framework within this exceptional city.

Rabbi Rephael Pollack, Rosh Kollel

Rabbi Refael Pollack, originally from East Flatbush, NY, learned in the Yeshivos Ohr Hameir and Bais Hatalmud. After several years as a maggid shiur in the Yeshiva of South Bend, he founded the South Bend Kollel in 2007. Encouraged and supported by the Lerman family, he transformed a vision of building a true Makom Torah in South Bend into a reality. Rabbi Pollack has forged a kollel with high caliber talmidei chachamim as yungerleit who have a strong effect on the community, while maintaining an atmosphere of true hasmada (diligence) in the Bais Medrash. His successful model has produced Kollel alumni who have and continue to serve the community in both klei kodesh positions and as lay leaders, building the ruchnius of South Bend and strengthening the chinuch of the kehilla. His own leadership spans far beyond the kollel as he is ready to fill any gap when called upon.  His wife, Rebbetzin Meira, is a former long-time, beloved pre-school Morah who presently teaches in the Bais Yaakov High School, and together they’ve built a home of Torah and chessed that is open to everyone.

Rabbi Uriel Shraga Gross, Rosh Chabura

Rabbi Uriel Gross is a dedicated talmid of Mesivta of Long Beach. After learning in Brisk (R’ Dovid Soloveitchik) in Eretz Yisroel for two years and Beis Medrash Govoha in Lakewood for seven years, he and his family joined the Minneapolis Community Kollel. Over seven years in this out-of-town Kollel, Rabbi Gross gained an understanding and appreciation for the advantages a community Kollel offers, both in developing yungerleit and the community. His father, Rabbi Reuven Gross zt’l, as the rav of a shul for every serious growth-minded individual, instilled in his children the desire to build Torah. He and his wife, Mrs. Shoshana Gross, grasped this exciting opportunity to assist Rabbi Pollack in strengthening the South Bend Community Kollel.

kollel members

Rabbi Simcha Applebaum
Rabbi Yisroel Meir Weissman
Rabbi Nesanel Boruch Goldfarb
Rabbi Moshe Glinn
Rabbi Chaim Miller
Rabbi Ezriel Wender